Committee: Pauline Hignett, Philippa Pill, Janice Harris, Gill Hilditch, Jennifer Ricketts, Sue Kendall, Sue Evans, Christine Byrne and Lesley Williams.

Neston Riverside WI Newsletter April 2022

Neston Riverside WI Newsletter April 2022
Committee: Pauline Hignett, Philippa Pill, Janice Harris, Gill Hilditch, Jennifer Ricketts, Sue Kendall, Sue Evans, Christine Byrne and Lesley Williams.

Dear Members,
Happy Easter to you all and thankfully the weather seems to be set fair. The light nights and spring flowers are a real pleasure after what seems like a very long Winter.
Our March meeting was a real success with an excellent speaker giving us a real insight into the Royal School of Needlework and the Queen’ wardrobe. It was good to see so many members there.
Our speaker this month is Anne Russell with ‘Peas at 2 o’clock’which sounds intriguing. The sales table is still in support of the knitting group so any contributions will be very welcome.
A reminder that our May meeting is our Jubilee event with lots planned. Please wear red, white and blue if you can and we would like you to bring a photograph of yourself from a decade during her reign. I have one of my 80s perm somewhere!
Our subs are due in April and as we are up and running this will need to be the full amount of £44 cheques payable to Neston Riverside WI. Prompt payment would be really helpful. Thank you.
Phillipa has kindly publicised our group locally and on Facebook so a big thank you to her too.
Dates for your diary
Book Group…..25th April 2.00 at Philippa’s home
Creative Writing….19th April 2.00 at Pauline’s home
Theatre Outing…25th May
Rhapsodists….7.30 27th May at the hall
Diners…28th April at Kri Kri
Cheshire Show…21st and 22nd June
Village Fete July 2nd
Birthday Dinner…July 19th at The Woodcote
Literary Lunch…26th July speaker Clare Mackintosh £25
County Quiz…20th September
Programme so far…
April…Anne Russell ‘Peas at 2 o’clock’
May…Jubilee celebration Riverside Style
June…Jean Finney ‘The History of Nursery Rhymes’

Looking forward to seeing everyone on the 20th. Pauline.